Hot Tubs and Spa Installation

A black lightning bolt on a white background.

Take Luxury Up a Notch

Hire us for hot tub installation services in Vancouver, WA

The cold, rainy weather can sometimes feel never-ending, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a slice of warm paradise amidst the clouds. Burton Electric offers luxury hot tub installation services in Vancouver, WA. We’ll install the circuits, wiring and outlets needed to support your new spa. You can count on us to make sure all the lights, jets, speakers and features will work perfectly before use.

Reach out to us now to learn more about our luxury spa installation services.

A hot tub is sitting outside of a house next to a swimming pool.

Why hire a pro?

Setting up your new spa isn’t as easy as just filling it up and plugging it in. Hot tubs are high-voltage electrical systems that need proper wiring and plumbing hookups. Trust Burton Electric with your hot tub installation to make sure the job is done right. The last thing you want is an electrocution hazard in your backyard or workplace.

Get a free estimate on your spa installation today – call 360-772-6574.

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